So I got an email from a "Senior Academic Advisor" asking me permission for a student to add one of my classes late... Said he just dropped out of the Corps of Cadets, and needs another class to be a full time student. I have room so I said yes.
The guy emailed me about the assignments he missed this week, and I didn't really know what to say because each lab is up for a week and on Friday afternoons we tear them down to set up for the following week. Soooo... yeah. He came by my office to get the information that he needed to be able to do the work due next week. I asked why he dropped from the Corps and he said "well I dropped the day the health care bill passed. I wanted to be a doctor and when that passed I didn't want to be a part of the government or politics or whatever."
Doesn't really explain why he dropped from the Corps. But whatever, I wasn't gonna get into it with him. Dude's a freshman and the bill passed months ago, so if he dropped he would have had time to register for another class instead of waiting until the end of the second week of school.
Another thing: I'm going to Galveston on Monday to talk with my advisor, Dr. Quigg (or as she likes to sign her emails, DQ. SO AWESOME.) I have class at 9:10. Galveston's about a 2.5 hour drive away on a good day. A fellow grad student down in G-Town said she used to come to College Station (CS) Tuesday - Thursday and leave at 5 am in the morning to miss traffic.
Ew. I would be one cranky bitch.
Thankfully she offered her couch to me so we can go into the lab together with her husband. (Is it bad that I didn't even know she was married??) We'll see if this becomes a regular occurrence...
And of course this brought up an issue in my head. Would it be a good idea if George and I moved to Houston? Traffic's hell in rush hour (not that I'm not familiar with sucky traffic) but when you have a place you need to be, I'm the kind of person that stresses out way too much. Allison (fellow married grad student who was kind enough to offer her couch for me to crash on) said that there's a prof down in Galveston whose wife lives 12 minutes away from work, but it takes her an hour to get there because traffic is so bad.
W. T. F.
We wanted to move to Houston because it's a good midpoint for us. George will be commuting for classes in College Station, and I'll be commuting for classes in Galveston. Is this a good idea? I'm not sure. This annoying thought keeps popping up that maybe we should have separate apartments. It sounds logical in a sense. But do we want to pay for two rents? I know I don't want to take that step backward. We finally moved into our own place after "living together" for a year. Having one rent and no roommates is heaven to me.
So the question now is, what do we do? If we move to Katy (suburb outside Houston) there'd still be an hour and a half commute for each of us, but outside of the hellhole that is Houston traffic (I hope). It'd be more expensive for rent by like $200 each month, at least that's what it's looking like from the preliminary research. Which means we have less money to save for the wedding.
Who wants a Texas High Speed Rail??!?!!
I do.
Aww. You'll figure something out. Remember it's only temporary.