Thursday, February 24, 2011

Repeat repeat beat beat.

I'm beginning to wonder if I should even bother with the lecture before students can start the lab. No matter how many times I say the same thing over and over in the lecture, for some reason, I'm just not heard.

I suppose the only reason to keep lecturing is so that I can say I actually did tell them what they needed to know in case of complaints about their grades. I said at least 3 times "answer your questions in the way that they SHOULD BE, NOT the way your results suggest." At least half of my class didn't follow those instructions.

Another funny thing: I got a complaint that I took off points because a student didn't connect their points on a line graph because I "didn't say that they needed to."

#1, I did say so at the beginning of the semester and the first couple labs until I assumed it was beaten into your heads.

#2, I asked the student if they would submit a line graph to a math class without connecting their points. Their reply "... but you didn't say that we had to!" I shouldn't have to, but I did anyway. Still not heard.

Why is it so hard for people to read directions? Once again I got line graphs where the instructions clearly say "bar graph," yet again.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So one of my Texas besties, Lara, has been doing Teach for America down in the Rio Grande Valley at a middle school, and she also blogs about her teaching adventures. I shamelessly follow her and I think she's awesome. For one thing, I don't think I'd have the patience to work with 12 and 13 year olds. So whenever I read her blog, I do an internal comparison between her teaching stuff and my teaching stuff.

Reasons why Lara is awesome:
*She posts regularly about the good, the bad, and the ugly. And sometimes, the excellent. Always balance. I like it.
*She's still learning about teaching, as I am.
*She still has at least another year of teaching. I don't. Though I think I'm glad for my own situation.
*She has to deal with parents, ADHD kids, and annoying kids in general. All day, 5 days a week.
*She has the chance to mold these whiny middle schoolers into better students at a higher education level. So hopefully, with more Lara's in the world, TA's won't have as much to complain about

Internal comparisons:

I usually just complain about the lack of effort I get from my students. And sometimes their idiocy. However, when grading yesterday, I got two perfect forms (out of the 60 that I graded). There's still hope.

I only have to see my students once a week for two hours each lab. I don't get to work with them, to really tell them how to improve, and see if they listen. But at the same time, I'm glad that I don't have to baby them, or deal with their parents. In college, students are away from their parents for the first time. They've left the nest, they need to learn to take care of their shit. Sure, I'd feel bad failing a student, but I can only do so much. The apathy I get from my students really scares me some times. You as a student are paying to take my class. Show some interest, learn something. Don't pay for a class if you're not going to put some effort into it.

I think there's a dilemma about whether or not students should be required to take classes that are not relevant to their major. Would making a Business Administration major take an Oceanography lab for science credit make them a more well rounded student and person? Maybe. It depends on whether or not they care. Universities make requirements and most students will take what they perceive to be the easy way out. But why? Where did that begin? What's the difference between doing one thing really well and doing multiple things at an average level of accomplishment? Does a well rounded student exist anymore? Did it ever?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The happs.

Today, a fellow resident of my complex left their car door jammed into mine. Their car door was OPEN and LEFT STUCK into my driver's seat door.

Not much damage. But still. Seriously? Who does that? I wouldn't think the owner of a car that's obviously been sideswiped would do that.

I long for my own house and a driveway that I don't have to share with anyone but George. I want to move.

I left them a nasty-gram.

Other happs:

This last week's lab took the whole 2 hours. Which means on Friday I was unable to eat lunch until 3 pm because Salinity took forever to set up. Thanks, conductivity meters, for not calibrating.

Students don't read directions. Am I surprised? I shouldn't be. Le sigh.

I'm broken. I can't eat the chips that are served with salsa in restaurants anymore. We went to Ninfa's for lunch, and my stomach is so upset right now. I can't handle the fried greasy goodness of chips. *tear*

George's battery died. We bought jumper cables and I learned how to jump start a car. Woo! (I'm praying that his car survives for the next 15 months.)

Monday, February 7, 2011


So I pretty much avoided writing my research paper abstract for the entire time that I've been home sick. Even today, when I knew that it needed to be done (it's due tomorrow), I very much preferred reading  Reasoning with Vampires

Fortunately for me I completed the task at hand in a few hours. I had already read up on my subject (Phytoplankton Dynamics: Responses to Nutrient Loading/Pulsing and Freshwater Inflows in Galveston Bay) last semester. However, it's infuriatingly frustrating to have to stretch out what I can say in half a page to a full page single spaced. 

I thought the purpose of scientific writing is to say what's important, be succinct and be done with it. I admit that in high school English class I was notorious for fluffing up my papers. But now? I just hope that my prof isn't too picky about the length. I mean really. What more can you say in 1/2 - 3/4 of a page (single spaced, mind you) without dabbling in writing the actual paper? 

Sighhhhhh. At least this research paper promises to be more well thought out than the one from last semester. Meaning that I can actually use it in my proposal and thesis. WOOOO PROGRESS. 

Time to go read The White Queen before falling asleep :)

I wish the happiest of birthdays to one of my best friends, Sarah :) Happy 23rd my dear! 

Highlights of the Weekend.

Instead of the usual in depth rundown of my thoughts from the past couple of days, I will give the highlights.

I stayed home Thursday because I was a coughing, mucus-y mess.

Thursday night/Friday morning it snowed. We got a few good inches. The university closed, and I didn't have to teach my class. Unfortunately, now I have to make up the lab the week after Easter. Again I stayed home because I was still sick.

Friday through Sunday was a lot of wedding planning.
*We figured out the best course of financial action so that we can pay for the thing without stressing about it.
*We have a venue for the ceremony and reception.
*We booked a flight out to SF for Memorial Day weekend so we can visit the venue and go over details. If we don't like it, we don't lose much financially. Plus, we have bakeries and a photographer that we need to hire, so it will be a productive weekend.
*Flight prices are annoyingly arbitrary and expensive. was actually better than trying to buy directly from Southwest Airlines.
*We have a wedding website :)
*I started compiling addresses for our friends and family.

Last night was the Super Bowl.
*The only thing I liked about the halftime show was that it was Tron-esque.
*Woo the Packers won.
*The Volkswagen commercial was my personal favorite. It makes me giggle.
*I made cinnamon streusel muffins. I craved something fluffy and sweet.

I've moved on from coughing to sneezing. Or needing to sneeze and not having the sneeze come when I want it to. I would very much like to breathe out of both nostrils. My trash can is full of tissues.

Sarah introduced me to quite possibly the funniest thing I've seen in a while. You should check it out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Cold cold and more cold. I'm sitting in my office with two shirts, a sweater and a blanket and still I shiver. Walking outside sucks the life out of me, it's so windy. And it sets off my asthma, weirdly enough. Maybe it's not weird.

So tired. I don't want to go to biogeochem this evening. I want to go home, wrap myself up in my down comforter and watch movies while drinking a huge ass mug of tea. HUGE. ASS. MUG.

I didn't finish my bio ocean homework that was due today. It was so tedious and repetitive, with so many steps and it wasn't clear what he was looking for. Oh well. I'll start earlier next time.

Anyways. Michelle posted this earlier, and I think it's awesome.