I have a proposal due in my Ecology of the Continental Shelf class at 3:55 today, and I just finished writing it. Feeling a bit cross eyed, so what do I do? I blog. Makes no sense but whatever.
It took me forever to think of a topic to write about. I've known that this is due for a month. But honestly, this is like what you would do for a dissertation, and this is for A CLASS. I mean granted that I don't have to do the experiment or find funding for it, but blehhhhhhh. I don't want to have to pull something out of my ass at the last minute ever again. I think it's a good topic though.
So let's see. What's been going on since I last wrote? *looks in planner*
First OGC Social was on the 25th. I had to bring the food that Eric (social chair) and I bought on Thursday with the department credit card. I stayed for 2 hours and then left when it was pouring rain, because I had grading and homework to do. Oh grading. You consume my Saturdays every weekend. :(
First grad school exam was last Friday AND I ACED IT. *SUPER HAPPY SMILE* I was freaking out because I didn't even get to finish the test. I tried to do the phys ocean homework that was due on Tuesday (the 5th) after the test and I just couldn't. My brain had imploded. After the TA meeting I went home and vegetated on the couch. Next week is the phys ocean exam, so guess what I'll be doing this weekend??!?! I don't think it should be too difficult. The exams are straight from the homework or so I hear.
Last week in lab was.... Albedo. Reflection of radiation. It was a long one but kinda cool. We had the lights off and had lux meters to measure the light from a microscope onto a globe to show that incident radiation decreases as you increase latitude. It amazed me that I had students measuring with the lux meter and wondering why their measurements were so low when they had the sensor FACING THE WRONG WAY. Ridiculousness.
This week in lab was Salinity. FINALLY! Something I actually know about. I was actually able to answer questions without looking stupid. We did titrations with silver nitrate into salt solutions with potassium chromate as the indicator. Somehow one of my students managed to overflow the waste bottle, and that same student was holding the pipette upside down with the potassium chromate in the tip AFTER I SPECIFICALLY SAID NOT TO. And then I saw him at Pei Wei at dinner time last night.
Oh students.
What made my day yesterday though was my one undergrad that actually puts 2 and 2 together. He's secretly my favorite. He actually said the magic words "chloride ions" when asking about a titration question. SO HAPPY THAT SOMEONE FINALLY UNDERSTOOD THAT!!!
Next week is density. We get to play with dry ice. It'll be awesome.
In other news: still trying to figure out the Christmas situation. We figure we can spend 3 weeks in California: 10 days up north and 10 days down south. Problem is we won't have transportation down south. And my family is spread over Lakewood, Glendale and Santa Clarita. My family needs to relocate to one place.
We thought about renting a car, but everywhere we look charges $20 extra PER DAY for under 25 renters. That's an extra $200!! I don't think so, evil car rental people.
Also, not really sure where we'd stay. Mom has only one bathroom. Matthew took my room at Dad's. Sooooo. Yeah. It'll be interesting.
Next month is Turkey Day, which also means engagement pictures (YAY!) and starting to wedding plan (wooo...)
I'm looking forward to going home tonight, and doing nothing academic related except watch Big Bang Theory Season 3 on netflix.
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