The College of Geosciences put on a Donor/Scholarship Recognition Event for all of its students. They planned for it to be a tailgate sort of affair because they spent too much money on a formal dinner last year. Which is fine with me. Up until the point that you ask me to be somewhere at 8 am on a Saturday. Then I will hate you.
They served us breakfast, and I totally called that they were going to serve bloody mary's to the faculty who also did not want to be there on a Saturday at 8 in the frickin morning. The whole thing was pretty much to recognize the donors who are giving money to undergrads. Most of us grad students have grant money from the government. Was it necessary to be there? No. Were we told that we need to be there? Yes.
We came back home at around 10 and I immediately went back to bed but unfortunately couldn't fall asleep. So I laid in bed for an hour with my eyes closed. Which I guess is what you could call a nap's bastard cousin.
Started grading for the Salinity handouts this afternoon while watching/listening to LOTR, which helped me sort of stay on task. It's really draining doing something so monotonous. I'm learning not to care that they didn't get something right. It's their job to listen and to pay attention. I could only get through grading one class today, which is fine. I kinda sorta started my chem ocean homework due on Wednesday. I can do more tomorrow. I'm just way too tired.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I signed up to teach 3 sections of lab next semester instead of the 2 that I have now. My thinking is that teaching an extra section is an extra $500 a month. Which would be AWESOME. I'm learning the ropes of teaching this semester so after having done it once, I think next semester should be a lot easier. I'm just not looking forward to doing the grading. Maybe I'll start doing grading during my office hours, since no one comes anyway.
We decided that instead of flying we're going to drive to California this year for the holidays. Flights and trying to rent a car were way more expensive than we thought slash were willing to pay. Driving to CA and back to TX including hotels and gas should be $600. I'm good with that.
I'm excited because I finally get to go wedding dress shopping with my mommy and California besties. We'll need to remember to bring a box of kleenex for my mom. And I'll probably need to wear flats cause George is only 4 inches taller than I am. Which is actually a pro, in my opinion. I hate heels.
Anyways, we're heading out to a wine party. We could dress up but I was too tired this morning in the shower to care about shaving so... yeah, I'll be in jeans and a t shirt. And that's fine with me.
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