Saturday, October 16, 2010

I want my Saturdays back.

The College of Geosciences put on a Donor/Scholarship Recognition Event for all of its students. They planned for it to be a tailgate sort of affair because they spent too much money on a formal dinner last year. Which is fine with me. Up until the point that you ask me to be somewhere at 8 am on a Saturday. Then I will hate you.

They served us breakfast, and I totally called that they were going to serve bloody mary's to the faculty who also did not want to be there on a Saturday at 8 in the frickin morning. The whole thing was pretty much to recognize the donors who are giving money to undergrads. Most of us grad students have grant money from the government. Was it necessary to be there? No. Were we told that we need to be there? Yes.

We came back home at around 10 and I immediately went back to bed but unfortunately couldn't fall asleep. So I laid in bed for an hour with my eyes closed. Which I guess is what you could call a nap's bastard cousin.

Started grading for the Salinity handouts this afternoon while watching/listening to LOTR, which helped me sort of stay on task. It's really draining doing something so monotonous. I'm learning not to care that they didn't get something right. It's their job to listen and to pay attention. I could only get through grading one class today, which is fine. I kinda sorta started my chem ocean homework due on Wednesday. I can do more tomorrow. I'm just way too tired.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I signed up to teach 3 sections of lab next semester instead of the 2 that I have now. My thinking is that teaching an extra section is an extra $500 a month. Which would be AWESOME. I'm learning the ropes of teaching this semester so after having done it once, I think next semester should be a lot easier. I'm just not looking forward to doing the grading. Maybe I'll start doing grading during my office hours, since no one comes anyway.

We decided that instead of flying we're going to drive to California this year for the holidays. Flights and trying to rent a car were way more expensive than we thought slash were willing to pay. Driving to CA and back to TX including hotels and gas should be $600. I'm good with that.

I'm excited because I finally get to go wedding dress shopping with my mommy and California besties. We'll need to remember to bring a box of kleenex for my mom. And I'll probably need to wear flats cause George is only 4 inches taller than I am. Which is actually a pro, in my opinion. I hate heels.

Anyways, we're heading out to a wine party. We could dress up but I was too tired this morning in the shower to care about shaving so... yeah, I'll be in jeans and a t shirt. And that's fine with me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another day...

It was kinda funny watching my students' reactions to the newly added rules to lab handouts.

I kinda felt bad because after grading them all weekend, I completely forgot my pile of drowned-in-red-ink stacks of papers. But after I saw half of my students walk in late, I didn't feel so bad.

While explaining that about 85% of them did line graphs instead of bar graphs, their eyes kinda bugged out. One girl in particular didn't look happy with me. But whatever.

I came across this comic today, and it totally summarizes my weekend:

I also had my first physical oceanography exam today. All except one question was pretty straightforward and easy. The one question I know I got wrong I stared at for about 25 minutes and drew 6 different diagrams to try to make the answer come out the way I thought it should look. 15 minutes before time was up I gave up and handed it in. Now I know what the answer should have been and it was so simple, I can't believe I didn't think of it. *sigh* I really hate it when that happens. I hope I actually do as well as I think I did.

Anyways. Went to get ice cream after my long day and then had a beer once we *finally* got home at 9 pm. Now it's time to read more phd comics and possibly come up with a literature review topic for my Ecology class that's due next week.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

List of Grievances So Far

Next semester, I'll make sure to point out each of these at the very beginning.

The Undergrad's Survival Guide to OCNG 252

1) Read the directions and the questions carefully.

2) Lab forms will be written in pencil. I will not waste my time trying to decipher chicken scribble scratch in pen.

3) If I can't read your answer, it will be marked wrong.

4) Connect your dots on your line graphs.

5) Do not make a line graph on what should be a bar graph.

6) When asked "why?" or "justify your answer" or "explain," one word answers are not sufficient.

7) When asked to interpret a graph, don't answer "it starts off really steep and levels out" or "the relationship is not linear because the graph is curved" or "it looks like a roller coaster. Woo!" (yes, the last one I did actually get as an answer).

8) This is not a blow off class. You will need to use your thinking cap.

9) Material builds on what we've learned previously. Take the time to understand the concepts being taught to you.

10) Write in complete, grammatically correct sentences. If I have to spend more than a minute trying to understand what you're trying to say, it will be marked wrong.

11) Before you ask a question, try to find your answer in the lab manual first.

Eleven things easy peasy. Right?


Oh Grading...

Grading always seems to be half entertaining, and half a mixture of "oh my god how did you get into college???" and "why do you not care about your grades?" and "if you have questions, ask them" and "when asked to 'explain' do not give ONE WORD ANSWERS" and "oh my god I want to shoot myself."


Is this a linear relationship? Why or why not?
"No, because I saw this in the pre lab and it looks like a roller coaster, woo!"
"No because the graph is curved"

Last week I couldn't get my students to connect dots on their graphs to save their lives. This week they connect their dots on what is supposed to be A BAR GRAPH.

I feel like Kim in Scott Pilgrim.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lazy Days

I slept in till 9 this morning!! And it was awesome.

Last night was a date night, so we went to Carino's for dinner, shared a bread pudding for dessert and headed out to see Easy A. I'd say that I'm going to buy that when it comes out on dvd. It was pretty amazing. Came back home for a glass of wine and general lazing in front of the TV. All in all a good Friday night after a miserable day.

This morning we slept in and made oven french toast. Which is like making french toast only you bake all the bread pieces at once so it's cooked faster. I think it's a good strategy for hungry mornings. Only problem was that the oven needed to be at 500 degrees and the smoke alarm went off. Exciting. They turned out to be delicious though!

I called my aunt Staci cause it's her birthday and I'm glad I got to talk to her. She's one of my favorite people and while she usually spends her birthdays in Hawaii, her kids are in school so they can't really take the time off for a week in Hawaii. So she's spending her birthday cheering on her two kids at their soccer games. And she wouldn't have it any other way. That's what I really admire about her: she has what she wants and she's happy with it. Not very many people have what they want and keep wanting it. The women I aspire to be in my life are my mom, my aunt Staci, and my grandma Rachel.

My mom, because throughout everything shitty in her life, she managed to come out stronger and happier than she's ever been. She's not complicated or high maintenance, but she taught me never to settle for the long term things in life.

My aunt Staci, because she was the athletic, smart child that got good grades in school, and did things her own way. She got a lot of the privileges that I had, but it didn't make her snobby, and it gave me someone to talk to when stress got the best of me and my mom didn't know what to say. She went to college, got a job, did whatever she wanted in 20's and got married and had kids in her 30's. It gave me something to look forward to.

My grandma, because she believes in doing what you want to do, no matter what your significant other thinks about it. My grandfather wasn't much of a traveler 20 years ago, so whenever my grandma wanted to go somewhere like Paris or London or Rome, she said "okay, I'll take Staci and we'll see you in a few weeks." She's an unstoppable force of nature, that woman. She knows the value of a good education, the lessons one can learn by traveling, and the rewards reaped by hard work. She's the kind of grandma that I want to be. The one that knows you learn something new everyday, and if you work hard enough when you're young, you can enjoy taking your grandkids on international vacations too. She reminds me that you only have yourself at the end of the day, and if you don't do what you want to do, who's going to do it for you?

We went to the Friend's Church annual bbq, got some good free lunch, which is always awesome. Stopped by Saint Michael's Episcopal School where George's mom is headmistress to eat with her since she's stuck there for today. After that we went to Michaels because it's October and I want Halloween decorations. My mom was notorious for having decorations for EVERY holiday. It's a tradition that I want to carry on. So far we have some felt pails for Halloween candy that are a Frankenstein head bucket and one says "trick or treat!", a door decoration, a pumpkin carving kit and some Halloween cookie cutters.

I love October. And I love Halloween. In my opinion, it's the best holiday, and the best month of the year.

Next on my list of things to do while avoiding studying and grading: grocery shopping and making Halloween cookies!

Friday, October 8, 2010


It's Friday afternoon.

Class has been attended.

Density lab is set up. Lab questions have been updated and posted.

Started making flash cards for phys ocean exam on Tuesday. Don't really feel like making anymore.

I just want my couch and a glass a wine. I'm having a bad day.

I feel...

... under-appreciated. Like no one cares.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Feeling a little cross-eyed

I have a proposal due in my Ecology of the Continental Shelf class at 3:55 today, and I just finished writing it. Feeling a bit cross eyed, so what do I do? I blog. Makes no sense but whatever.

It took me forever to think of a topic to write about. I've known that this is due for a month. But honestly, this is like what you would do for a dissertation, and this is for A CLASS. I mean granted that I don't have to do the experiment or find funding for it, but blehhhhhhh. I don't want to have to pull something out of my ass at the last minute ever again. I think it's a good topic though.

So let's see. What's been going on since I last wrote? *looks in planner*

First OGC Social was on the 25th. I had to bring the food that Eric (social chair) and I bought on Thursday with the department credit card. I stayed for 2 hours and then left when it was pouring rain, because I had grading and homework to do. Oh grading. You consume my Saturdays every weekend. :(

First grad school exam was last Friday AND I ACED IT. *SUPER HAPPY SMILE* I was freaking out because I didn't even get to finish the test. I tried to do the phys ocean homework that was due on Tuesday (the 5th) after the test and I just couldn't. My brain had imploded. After the TA meeting I went home and vegetated on the couch. Next week is the phys ocean exam, so guess what I'll be doing this weekend??!?! I don't think it should be too difficult. The exams are straight from the homework or so I hear.

Last week in lab was.... Albedo. Reflection of radiation. It was a long one but kinda cool. We had the lights off and had lux meters to measure the light from a microscope onto a globe to show that incident radiation decreases as you increase latitude. It amazed me that I had students measuring with the lux meter and wondering why their measurements were so low when they had the sensor FACING THE WRONG WAY. Ridiculousness.

This week in lab was Salinity. FINALLY! Something I actually know about. I was actually able to answer questions without looking stupid. We did titrations with silver nitrate into salt solutions with potassium chromate as the indicator. Somehow one of my students managed to overflow the waste bottle, and that same student was holding the pipette upside down with the potassium chromate in the tip AFTER I SPECIFICALLY SAID NOT TO. And then I saw him at Pei Wei at dinner time last night.


Oh students.

What made my day yesterday though was my one undergrad that actually puts 2 and 2 together. He's secretly my favorite. He actually said the magic words "chloride ions" when asking about a titration question. SO HAPPY THAT SOMEONE FINALLY UNDERSTOOD THAT!!!

Next week is density. We get to play with dry ice. It'll be awesome.

In other news: still trying to figure out the Christmas situation. We figure we can spend 3 weeks in California: 10 days up north and 10 days down south. Problem is we won't have transportation down south. And my family is spread over Lakewood, Glendale and Santa Clarita. My family needs to relocate to one place.

We thought about renting a car, but everywhere we look charges $20 extra PER DAY for under 25 renters. That's an extra $200!! I don't think so, evil car rental people.

Also, not really sure where we'd stay. Mom has only one bathroom. Matthew took my room at Dad's. Sooooo. Yeah. It'll be interesting.

Next month is Turkey Day, which also means engagement pictures (YAY!) and starting to wedding plan (wooo...)

I'm looking forward to going home tonight, and doing nothing academic related except watch Big Bang Theory Season 3 on netflix.