Monday, February 7, 2011


So I pretty much avoided writing my research paper abstract for the entire time that I've been home sick. Even today, when I knew that it needed to be done (it's due tomorrow), I very much preferred reading  Reasoning with Vampires

Fortunately for me I completed the task at hand in a few hours. I had already read up on my subject (Phytoplankton Dynamics: Responses to Nutrient Loading/Pulsing and Freshwater Inflows in Galveston Bay) last semester. However, it's infuriatingly frustrating to have to stretch out what I can say in half a page to a full page single spaced. 

I thought the purpose of scientific writing is to say what's important, be succinct and be done with it. I admit that in high school English class I was notorious for fluffing up my papers. But now? I just hope that my prof isn't too picky about the length. I mean really. What more can you say in 1/2 - 3/4 of a page (single spaced, mind you) without dabbling in writing the actual paper? 

Sighhhhhh. At least this research paper promises to be more well thought out than the one from last semester. Meaning that I can actually use it in my proposal and thesis. WOOOO PROGRESS. 

Time to go read The White Queen before falling asleep :)

I wish the happiest of birthdays to one of my best friends, Sarah :) Happy 23rd my dear! 

1 comment:

  1. omg...Betsey Johnson.

    Thank you!! I had a lovely day!
